Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life Lessons...Wife Lessons

"The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life." ~Proverbs 31: 11-12

I am sitting in my living room this morning, under a blanket with a cup of coffee, Bible in my lap. I look forward to this time in God's Word, but I am always a little nervous for what is about to be revealed about His will for my life. Some days I have a hard time relating the verses or lesson to my life...but not today. The above verses are today's study. Read them again... I will wait...Soak it in...Wives this is who we are called to be!

It almost takes my breath away at the picture of love these words paint. "The heart of her husband trusts in her..." The definition of trust is: A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Hmmmmm...that really makes me think. Am I trustworthy? When there is a day that I feel lazy- so I don't really do much around the house. When I am in a grumpy mood and speak unkind words to Chad and the kids. When there is a thought that enters my head and I let it stay longer than it should. Am I trustworthy?

Then there is verse 12~ "She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life." I think... I wouldn't ever want to harm Chad! And usually I don't take a frying pan to him, or trip him as he walks into the living room with his Dr. Pepper. But, what about the times I am frustrated with him. Do my words and reactions harm his spirit, his heart? I am typing this with tears rolling down my face because i know I do. Do you? The cruel words, angry thoughts, and even just lack of kind, esteeming words can do our husbands harm.

My hope is for us, as wives, to rise to the calling our Father has given us. That we will pray for our husbands daily. The stress of providing for us, the constant temptations they face, and most importantly the leader they are to be for our homes. I want to bless Chad and never harm or hurt his precious heart...will I fail? Sure. Will you? Probably. But, I will strive to build him up with my words and actions. To make our home his place of rest, love, and peace.

I am so thankful I sat down this morning with my Father and listened to the lesson he had for me. The reminder of who I am to be. I hope it may help you today too.